1) Create a new account at and get approval for bidding with You will enter the banking information on your check.
2) After bidding approval from our company, you will get a text notification. At this point, you must go to the sale page of your choice and click GET A BUYER NUMBER. The sale management or has the right to revoke any persons holding a buyer number with at any time. Some auctions may contact you for additional proof of credit or escrow funds.
3) For some sales, registration will be cut off prior to sale day. Past the cut off you may be able to contact the sales office and obtain a bidder passcode. You can find the sale number on the page for that sale.
4) Once you have an account with CCI.liv, hang on to your email/username and password. If you are approved in our system you will always be able to login provided you are in good standing.
5) We are always glad to help. Call us at 405-400-9505.